Phantom Stock Whitepaper

Private mid-market companies face a mountain of challenges to recruit talent. Major public companies can attract top-performers with generous benefits with long-term equity. Smaller private companies can attract talent with innovative cultures, and the promise of ground-floor IPOs.

The solution for mid-market companies? Morph a key employee into thinking like an owner. If properly incentivized, employees up performance, values align, and ownership becomes leadership.

Phantom stock fills the void for private companies, giving employees a level playing field to build equity, and meet retirement goals. Yet you maintain control. Learn how to apply this strategy and retain your best people.



Be sure to download our 2020 updated version of the Phantom Stock white paper, one of the most downloaded content items on our website

For the latest thinking on how to create owners out of key employees without giving up control or diluting stock value, read our informative white paper: “The Exquisite Reality of Phantom Stock.”