The Alchemy of Ownership—Use Phantom Stock Plans to Improve Retention and Grow Revenue.

We’ve updated one of our most downloaded white papers from 2015 concerning the exquisite reality of phantom stock.  It’s our mission to always keep you up-to-date. So, we invite you to download our 2020 edition, expressly for owners of private and closely held companies.

If you only remember these five valuable points, you’ll be ahead of most midsize company owners.

  1. Collaborate with executive benefit professionals early in consideration
  2. Determine a value formula for the stock and the amounts to issue
  3. Design the plan around your corporate objectives
  4. Fund the plan, set aside assets
  5. Secure the plan with a rabbi trust


P.S. You can access the EBS Presentation, The Exquisite Reality of Phantom Stock, to learn more about the use of a phantom stock plan to attract, retain, and reward top talent. 

If your plan has lost its original intention or effectiveness, we invite you to discuss its structure with EBS during which we may offer modifications to improve its ability to meet shareholders’ objectives and create value for participants.