The President’s Tax Plan
From a macro perspective, what does President Trump’s Tax Plan mean to Corporations and Individuals?
In a recent analysis posted on EBS’s Resources section of our website, renowned Supply-sider Economist Dr. Arthur Laffer outlines President Trump’s Tax Plan with facts that support economic growth through lower Corporate and Personal taxation; as follows:
From a Corporate perspective, the Trump proposal spurs growth, reduces tax sheltering and encourages capital inflows into the U.S. The effects of the tax proposal address the federal deficit as well as the budgetary impacts to state and local governments. Obviously, with cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, there could potentially be less tax revenues. But Laffer doesn’t believe that would be the case.
We know the top US Corporate statutory rate is 35% but because of tax sheltering the effective tax rate is closer to 13%. The 13% effective rate is still one of the highest compared to effective tax rates of other G20 countries.
For US based global companies the tax effects of a reduced corporate rate are even more beneficial. Approximately, $2-$3 trillion in funds (10%-15% of US GDP) are held abroad by US companies. If these funds were repatriated back to the US at more favorable tax rates the benefits would be enormous in generating more US output and creating jobs.
A major theme underlying the President’s Tax Plan is to stimulate incentives to work harder, longer and smarter. Clearly an entrepreneurial approach to increasing output! Obviously, companies will find profits more beneficial at 15% than 35%. Dr. Laffer states that productivity growth will generate more tax revenues in addition to more jobs, output and employment. He believes that with productivity increases in the 1.7% to 2.7% range that 3% GDP is achievable and tax revenues will not be a problem.
Dr. Laffer sites data that taxes do not redistribute wealth but taxes do redistribute people and businesses. Low tax states in the South and Southwest show large population gains and consequently a large percentage growth in those states’ adjusted gross income receipts.
From an individual’s standpoint, there are three proposed brackets (15%, 25% and 35%). The individual deduction will be doubled but mortgage and charitable deductions would be eliminated. The deduction for state and local income taxes would be terminated. AMT will end as well as the death tax.
To find out more about Dr. Laffer’s comments and insights on President Trump’s Tax plan download his complete overview in our Resources section: Dr. Laffer’s Analysis of President Trump’s Tax Plan
Posted by: Robert Flood, Managing Director, EBS-Boston; rflood@ebs-boston.com